With a management focused on excellence, BioVia - Environmental Management and Engineering, PLC always tries to exceed their stakeholders’ expectations.
BioVia’s Quality, Environment and Safety policy aims to highlight the means to achieve its goals, fulfilling the company’s commitments:
To our Clients
- Identify the needs and expectations of current and potential clients;
- Maintain clients’ trust and loyalty through a personalized support;
- Improve our services, always considering the Best Available Techniques and environmental solutions.
To our Employees:
- To eliminate and reduce work-related hazards and risks by providing safe and healthy working conditions for all employees in terms of occupational safety and health, in order to prevent injuries, wounds, and damages to health;
- Instill in our collaborators a high level of motivation, wellness and team work based on ethical and professional values aiming towards each one’s professional achievement;
- Qualify the human resources by ensuring that every employee has the necessary skills to perform their job and developing and improving management, commercial and technical skills.
- Ensure the consultation and engagement of employees in all Occupational safety and health matters.
To our Partners:
- Act fairly and impartially in their selection;
- Rigorously evaluate their performance as well as the provided services/products.
To our Shareholders:
- Ensure the company’s sustained economic and financial development at short, medium and long term.
To the Government / Regulatory Entities, Visitors / Local Community / Society in General and overall:
- Comply with legislation, regulations, and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, thereby assuming social, safety, and environmental responsibilities and acting responsibly;
- Seek constant improvement by adopting measures that add value to environmental performance, prevent pollution, use the resources sustainably and protect biodiversity and ecosystems.
Coimbra, the 24th of April, 2020
“Given the assumed commitments, the Board of Directors wants to ensure that the Quality, Environment and Safety Policy is available to all stakeholders and is understood by all members of the organization and everyone is commited to promote efforts and necessary involvement to the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System.”